Nadine's notes on...Spirals of Inquiry for Equity & Quality ~ Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert ~
Workshop notes graciously provided by Nadine Trumbley, MB ASCD Professional Learning Committee member
Summary – Take-Aways – Learnings
3 Key Goals of BC’s Network of Inquiry and Innovation – p. 18 Playbook
HARD Goals – Heartfelt, Animated, Required, Difficult - framing goals in terms of moral purpose
SMART Goals – hard to be “in love” with SMART goals
Teachers need to be curious too - Build curiosity – Smile, Talk in an encouraging manner, Demonstrate curiosity by sharing your own interests & passions
How can we use the pull of curiosity as well as the push of policy? Be comfortable with uncertainty, more familiar with the power of story, and more connected with each other and with a sense of place
7 Principles of Learning – p. 13 Playbook *Technology is not listed as a Principle – it’s an enhancement and accelerator of learning – not in place of Teaching Effectiveness
Growth mindset – teach growth mindset 1st to the community – teach it directly
Grading practices – can be very fixed so they need to align with growth mindset
Helen Timperley – inquiry is not an initiative - it’s a way of being – a metacognitive process
First Peoples Principles of Learning – p. 15 in Spiral Playbook – Land, Family, Learners
Key Questions – What are you learning and why is this important? How is it going? What’s your next step? Can you name 2 adults in this learning setting who believe you will be a success in life?” *discuss what success in life looks like before asking students
Other Questions – What have you learned from another student? What did you learn that will affect you for life?
Learning involves patience & time (must slow down to speed up), requires exploration of one’s identity, involves recognizing the consequences, involves generational roles and responsibilities
Phases in the Spiral of Inquiry
Scanning - doesn’t mean avoiding data sets/scores, its just not all about quantitative data
Focusing - don’t have to focus on something that is a problem, but you can take a strength/ emerging strength and focus on that (eg. student story-telling – opportunities & strategies to get better)
Developing a Hunch - bring your intuition to the table
Engaging in a new professional learning
Taking new professional action
Checking that you’ve made a big enough difference
Extra Take-Aways
Indigenous Perspectives – learn TRUTH then RECONCILIATION (rep from Laura Secord School spoke to group about Indigenous learning in their school)
Learning Maps (video of teacher)
Do field studies, not field trips
Learning Partners – everyone who helps student succeed
Consider one thing you will stop doing
How about students assigning the teacher something to learn?
Create a simple school mission statement that the whole school community knows and is driven by
Be intentional in the use of the Spiral of Inquiry – if you change outcomes for learners in your setting, the more coherent and innovative the whole system will become